Parents, teachers and children took a day off to practically engage in learning through play activities bringing the methodologies to life.
May 10, 2023
As a way of putting Learning through Play approaches into practice, PlayMatters project in Tanzania held a playday at Kilemba and Kumkugwa Primary School Grounds in Kibondo District in February 2023. The event aimed at creating awareness and advocating for children, teachers and parents to make use of learning through play approaches at school and in their homes.
During the activity, children, parents and teachers engaged in games that demonstrated how one can learn through play and how children can use play for holistic development.
Speaking during the awareness session, District Education Officer for Kibondo District, Ms. Agnes Mulinzi said, “We thank the PlayMatters project for their initiative, it motivates teachers and children to enjoy lessons. Through this approach we will be able to solve the problem of absenteeism from schools.”
Along with the playday event, the PlayMatters team also distributed play materials to three primary schools, including tennis balls, cones, football and netballs. These materials will help teachers to teach using a playful approach and create an enjoyable learning environment for learners.
Ag, District Academic Officer of Kibondo District, Ms. Agnes Malinzi, hands over exercise books to a child who participated in the playday.
Building Capacity
In a related event, the PlayMatters project in collaboration with Tanzania Institute of Education has also trained tutors, school quality assurers, and district academic officers on Learning Through Play approaches. The trainees will deliver the acquired knowledge and skills to primary school teachers who are expected to use the play-based strategy while teaching.
“Through this training we are expecting tutors to have skills that will enable them to teach using playful methodologies since research shows that children enjoy learning when play is involved. Play helps children to interact, collaborate and solve different challenges that they encounter," said Ms. Dorothy Rowland Makunda, a representative of the Tanzania Institute of Education.
Learning Through Play approaches will improve students' creativity and spark their love for learning while at school and at home. Currently, the PlayMatters project is implemented in nine schools in Kibondo District and five schools in Kasulu District. By 2026, the project hopes to reach more than 100,000 children from over 99 schools in the two districts.