World Teachers' Day
Every year on 5th October, World Teacher's Day is observed to acknowledge the contribution of teachers in society.
The theme for this year is, "The Teachers We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Imperative to Reverse the Teacher Shortage."
As PlayMatters, we celebrate teachers' vital role in humanitarian contexts in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Tanzania to foster active, learner-centered, and play-based learning methods in classrooms for refugee and host community school-going children. We continually support teachers in building their skills and motivations to integrate these methods into the classroom.
Here's what we are doing for teachers:
- Training teachers on inclusive Learning through Play methodologies.
- Providing continuous Teacher Professional Development.
- Fostering teacher wellbeing in the classroom.
- Creating multimedia distance learning courses for teachers.
- Working with Ministries of Education to incorporate Learning through Play in the curriculum and education service delivery.
We celebrate and recognize TEACHERS across the world.